Medical Abbreviation List For Medical Transcriptionists

Medical Transcription Abbreviation List:

 A&O alert and oriented
 A&P auscultation and percussion
 A&W alive and well
 A&P Assessment and Plan
 AA Alcoholics Anonymous
 AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
 AAROM active-assistive range of motion
 AB abortion / abdominal / antibody    
 ABCD asymmetry, border, color, diameter (occurs in dermatology files – describes melanoma)
 ABD abdomen
 ABE acute bacterial endocarditis
 ABF aortobifemoral
 ABG arterial blood gas (most common expansion)  / air-bone gap
 ABI ankle-brachial index
 AC acromioclavicular
 a.c. before meals
 accel(s) acceleration(s)
 ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme  /  acute cerebral encephalopathy
 ACF acute care facility
 ACL anterior cruciate ligament
 ACLF assisted care living facility
 ACLS advanced cardiac life support
 ACS acute coronary syndrome
 ad lib as desired
 ADD attention deficit disorder
 ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
 ADL activities of daily living
 ADR adverse drug reaction / Adriamycin / acute dystonic reaction
 AFI amniotic fluid index
 Afib (slang) atrial fibrillation
 AFO ankle-foot orthosis
 AFP alpha fetoprotein
 AGA appropriate for gestational age
 AICD automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
 AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
 AKA above-knee amputation
 AI aortic insufficiency
 ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia / acute lymphoblastic leukemia
 AMA against medical advice
 acute myelogenous leukemia
 AS aortic stenosis
 ATN acute tubular necrosis
 AVR aortic valve replacement
 BBB bundle branch block
 BiPAP bilevel positive airway pressure
 BKA below-knee amputation
 BMI body mass index
 BOOP bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia
 BP blood pressure
 BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy / benign prostatic hyperplasia
 BSO bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
 BSS balanced salt solution
 C. diff Clostridium difficile
 CABG (sounds “cabbage”) coronary artery bypass graft
 CAD coronary artery disease
 cath catheter / catheterization
 CBD common bile duct
 CBI continuous bladder irrigation
 CCE clubbing, cyanosis, edema
 CCU coronary care unit
 CHF congestive heart failure
 CIC clean intermittent catheterization
 CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia
 CML chronic myelogenous leukemia
 CMT cervical motion tenderness / Charcot-Marie-Tooth
 CMV cytomegalovirus
 CNS central nervous system
 C&S culture and sensitivity
 COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
 CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
 CPD cephalopelvic disproportion
 CPM continuous passive motion (device)  –  ortho, rehab files
 CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
 CPS Child Protective Services
 C section cesarean section
 CSF cerebrospinal fluid
 C-spine cervical spine
 CTA  clear to auscultation
 CTAP clear to auscultation and percussion
 CVA cerebrovascular accident / costovertebral angle
 D&C dilatation and curettage / dilation and curettage
 DC discharge OR discontinue
 DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ
 DDD degenerative disk disease
 DIC disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
 DIP distal interphalangeal (joint)
 DJD degenerative joint disease
 DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
 DM diabetes mellitus
 DME durable medical equipment / director of medical education / degenerative myoclonus epilepsy
 DNI do not intubate
 DNR do not resuscitate / DO NOT RESUSCITATE
 DRE digital rectal exam
 DTR deep tendon reflex
 DT / DTs delirium tremens
 DVT deep vein thrombosis  / deep venous thrombosis
 EBL estimated blood loss
 EBRT external beam radiation therapy
 EBV Epstein-Barr virus
 ECA external carotid artery
 ECT electroconvulsive therapy
 EDC estimated date of confinement / estimated date of conception
 EF ejection fraction
 EGA estimated gestational age
 EGBUS external genitalia, Bartholin, urethral and Skene (glands)
 EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
 EGJ esophagogastric junction
 EHL extensor hallucis longus
 EKG electrocardiogram
 EMG electromyogram
 EMS emergency medical services
 EMT emergency medical technician
 ENT  ears, nose, throat
 EOM extraocular movement  /  extraocular muscle
 EOMI extraocular movements intact   /   extraocular muscles intact
 EOMS extraocular movements  /  extraocular muscles
 EPS electrophysiologic study
 ER emergency room
 ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
 ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
 ESRD end-stage renal disease
 ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
 ET endotracheal tube
 ETOH ethanol
 FBS fasting blood sugar
 FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second
 FFP fresh frozen plasma
 FNA fine needle aspiration
 GAD generalized anxiety disorder
 GBS group B strep / – group B streptococcus
 GC gonorrhea
 GCS Glasgow coma scale
 GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
 GTT glucose tolerance test
 G-tube gastrostomy tube
 GU genitourinary
 GYN gynecology
 H&H hemoglobin and hematocrit
 H&P history and physical
 HBO hyperbaric oxygen
 HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
 HCT hematocrit
 HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
 HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
 HEME/ONC hematology/oncology
 HGB / Hgb hemoglobin
 HIV human immunodeficiency virus
 HNP herniated nucleus pulposus
 HPI history of present illness
 HPV human papilloma virus
 HR heart rate   /   hallux rigidus   /  Harrington rod
 HRT hormone replacement therapy
 HSM hepatosplenomegaly
 HSV herpes simplex virus
 HTN hypertension
 I&D incision and drainage / irrigation and debridement
 I&O in and out   /   input and output  /  intake and output
 IBD inflammatory bowel disease  /  irritable bowel disease
 IBS irritable bowel syndrome
 ICD implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
 ICP intracranial pressure
 ICU intensive care unit
 ID infectious disease
 IDA iron-deficiency anemia
 IDC idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy  /   infiltrating ductal carcinoma
 IDD insulin-dependent diabetes
 IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
 ILD interstitial lung disease
 IM intramedullary / intramuscular
 IMF intermaxillary fixation / idiopathic myelofibrosis / inframammary fold
 IOL intraocular lens
 IOP intraocular pressure
 IP interphalangeal
 IT iliotibial    
 ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 
 IUD intrauterine device
 IUP intrauterine pregnancy
 IV intravenous
 IVC inferior vena cava
 IVP intravenous pyelogram
 IVUS intravascular ultrasound
 JP Jackson-Pratt  /  as in JP drain or  Jackson-Pratt drain
 JVD jugular venous distention
 JVP jugular venous pressure
 KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder
 L&D labor and delivery
 LAD left anterior descending / left axis deviation
 LBBB left bundle branch block
 LFT liver function test
 LIMA left internal mammary artery
 LLQ left lower quadrant
 LMA laryngeal mask airway
 LMP last menstrual period
 LP lumbar puncture
 LR lactated Ringer
 LS lumbrosacral
 L-spine lumbar spine
 LV left ventricle / left ventricular
 LVEDP left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
 LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
 lytes (slang) electrolytes
 MAC monitored anesthesia care
 MAR medication administration record
 MCL medial collateral ligament
 MCP metacarpophalangeal
 MDI metered-dose inhaler
 MI myocardial infarction
 MOM milk of magnesia
 MR mitral regurgitation
 MRSA  (sounds “MERSA”) methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
 MS mitral stenosis / morphine sulfate /  multiple sclerosis
 MSSA methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
 MTP metatarsophalangeal (joint)
 MVR mitral valve replacement
 NAD no apparent (acute) distress
 NG tube nasogastric tube
 NICU neonatal intensive care unit
 NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
 NKDA no known drug allergies
 NOS not otherwise specified
 n.p.o. nothing by mouth
 NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
 NSR normal sinus rhythm
 NSVD normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
 NYHA New York Heart Association
 O&P ova and parasites (dictated in stool exam results)
 OA osteoarthritis / occiput anterior
 OB obstetrics
 OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder
 OD right eye
 OR operating room
 ORIF open reduction and internal fixation
 OSA obstructive sleep apnea
 OT occupational therapy
 OTC over the counter
 OU both eyes
 PACU postanesthesia care unit
 PAF paroxysmal atrial fibrillation / platelet-activating factor / pollen adherence factor
 PCA patient-controlled analgesia
 PCI percutaneous coronary intervention
 PCL posterior cruciate ligament
 PCP primary care physician
 PDA posterior descending artery  /  patent ductus arteriosus
 PE physical examination
 PE pulmonary embolism (or embolus)
 PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
 PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
 PFO patent foramen ovale
 PFT pulmonary function test 
 PICC peripherally inserted central catheter
 PID pelvic inflammatory disease
 PIP proximal interphalangeal
 PMD primary/private medical doctor
 PMH past medical history
 PMI point of maximal impulse
 PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
 PPI proton pump inhibitor
 PRBCs packed red blood cells
 protime prothrombin time
 PSA prostate-specific antigen
 PT physical therapy  /  posterior tibial  /   prothrombin time
 PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
 PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
 PUBS percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling / perforations, ulcers, and bleeds 
 PVC premature ventricular contraction
 PVD peripheral vascular disease
 PVR postvoid residual
 R/O rule out
 RA rheumatoid arthritis
 RBBB right bundle branch block
 RCA right coronary artery
 RDI respiratory disturbance index
 RDS respiratory distress syndrome
 ROM range of motion   /   rupture of membranes
 ROMI rule out myocardial infarction
 ROS review of systems
 RR respiratory rate
 RRR regular rate and rhythm
 RSD reflex sympathetic dystrophy
 RSV respiratory syncytial virus
 RV right ventricle
 RVR rapid ventricular response
 S/P status post
 SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis  /  self-breast examination
 SCD sequential compression device
 SFA superficial femoral artery
 SI sacroiliac (joint)
 SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
 SLE systemic lupus erythematosus   /  slit-lamp exam
 SLR straight leg raise
 SNF skilled nursing facility
 SPEP serum protein electrophoresis
 subcu /subq subcutaneous or subcutaneously
 SSEPs somatosensory evoked potential
 SSI sliding scale insulin
 SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
 STD sexually transmitted disease
 SVC superior vena cava
 SVG saphenous vein graft
 T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
 TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
 TAHBSO total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
 TCC transitional cell cancer
 TEE transesophageal echocardiography
 TFCC triangular fibrocartilage complex
 THA total hip arthroplasty
 THR total hip replacement
 TIA transient ischemic attack
 tib-fib tibia and fibula
 TIPS transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
 TKA total knee arthroplasty
 TKR total knee replacement
 TLIF transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
 TM tympanic membrane
 TMJ temporomandibular joint
 TPN total parenteral nutrition
 TR tricuspid regurgitation
 T-spine thoracic spine
 TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
 UA urinalysis
 UPEP urine protein electrophoresis
 UPJ ureteropelvic junction
 UPPP uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
 URI upper respiratory infection
 UTI urinary tract infection
 UVJ ureterovesical junction
 VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean section
 VCUG voiding cystourethrogram
 VF ventricular fibrillation
 VSD ventriculoseptal defect
 VT ventricular tachycardia
 VTA vascular targeting agent / ventral tegmental area
 WDWN well developed, well nourished